What is a Transformational Life Coach?

There are different kinds of Life Coaches. Many coaches focus on performance keeping clients accountable for assessing and developing ‘Skills and Capabilities’, and focusing on ‘Behaviors’. They tell people what to do and by when. This works for some people. However, I firmly believe that we are the architects of our own destiny and thus the individual is best equipped to determine their subjective experience.

Many people seek therapy where they tell their problems to a psychologist, social worker, other clinically trained professional to understand why they do what they do or to discover patterns in their behavior and learn new ones. This may be the best solution for some, especially if recommended by a physician.

When we seek a coach, generally, we are looking for an expert in whatever we are seeking coaching for. Unlike a clinically licensed counselor or coach trained in specific skills, a transformational coach holds space for the client, allowing them to lay out their own thoughts and decide for themselves.

The transformational coach, doesn’t need to explore details of the client’s background, to figure out the problem. They work at helping the individual to change at the source level rather than focusing on incremental change.

Each person has their own relationship with thought. A transformational coach, is careful to not allow their own thoughts to influence their interactions with clients. They listen without judgement; and help people to sort out their subjective experience without overthinking to get a better understanding of who they are and untap their potential.

Instead of the traditional hourly sessions each week, I often have intensive sessions of two or more hours with clients where they go through a process to find their purpose so they can achieve their highest potential.

About Amy Sindicic

I am trained in Life Coaching and CBT for coaching and have studied under Celebrity Life Coach, Ali Campbell, Auhtor of “Just Get on With it,”and Dr. Judith Beck, the daughter of Aaron Beck (Founder of CBT). If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to book a 30-minute FREE CONSULTATION: https://geishafawn.simplybook.me/v2/#book/category/3/count/1/.

I look forward to meeting you and discussing whether or not this is right for you.

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