What is the Keto diet and How does it work?

What is the Keto diet and How does it work?

I have tried many diets and the keto diet was the easiest for me to follow. It restricts carbohydrates, and uses fat, rather than sugar, as a fuel source instead of glucose. The keto diet works because when you restrict your body’s main source of energy – carbohydrates, your body burns stored fat and produces ketones for energy. But if you eat too much protein and fat, you will not lose weight. Your body still has to operate on a deficit of calories.

How long does it take to see weight loss on the keto diet?

It takes two to three weeks on the keto diet to start fat burning (ketosis) in the body. … Some studies have shown that adhering to low- or very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets helps people lose weight. I have done the diet several times and each time I lost between twenty and thirty pounds in two or three months.

How long does keto take to reach ketosis?

Once you start reducing your intake of carbohydrates to below 35 grams of total carbs and 25 grams of net carbs. (You can figure out the net carbs by subtracting the grams of the fiber found in your food from the total carbs). The fewer net carbs, the faster you can get into ketosis. I find that if I can stay below 20 net grams, I can reach ketosis in a few days. The rate at which the body reaches ketosis varies from person to person. It can take anywhere from two days to a week. Although the keto diet and other low-carb diets help you to drop pounds and burn fat faster than other diets, the long-term results aren’t necessarily greater. One reason for this is that the keto diet isn’t meant to last for more than three months.

What you can eat on the keto diet?

The foods that you can eat on the keto diet are fish, meat, nuts, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, and low-carb vegetables – especially green ones like avocados, peppers, lettuce, spinach, and asparagus. Corn, carrots and other vegetables high in sugar are forbidden. Tomatoes are OK, and there is so much that you can do with them – I love to make pepper pizzas – by cutting a pepper in half and stuffing it with olives, tomatoes and mozzarella and/or provolone cheese and baking it in the oven. You can even drink some wines, and liquors like vodka, tequila, rum, whiskey and gin. Beer is not an option. Most fruits are off limits except limited quantities of berries – blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are good, but too many can kill ketosis. For a more comprehensive list, click on the link for keto-friendly foods.

Although I like to count carbs in my head, a carb counter is often useful. Just click on the carb counter link to see a simple one.  In order to understand it, you will have to know a bit about macros, which are Macronutrients. Our bodies use macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins for fuel. The regulation of macros is key to the keto diet – whether you count them in your head or using a tool such as a carb counter.

Do I need to exercise on the Keto Diet?

Great news! When you are in ketosis, your body burns fat – even stubborn belly fat without the need to exercise. You may find that if you are working out intensely you will need to consult your doctor or personal trainer to make sure that the lack of carbohydrates is not too stressful for your body. I work out moderately with a personal trainer and play tennis and the diet hasn’t bothered my routines. I had success with the diet years ago before exercising, as well. Give it a try today! Results are fast and it can be fun once you get used to not eating bread, rice, and other high-carb foods. Before starting any diet, you need to consider – is it a healthy choice for you? If you want to talk about the keto diet, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss what worked for me and help you to set up an action plan for getting started. You can find me at www.transformations123.com. There is a link there to book a free consultation. Hope to see you soon! 🙂

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