Five Steps to Writing a Functional Cover Letter

Five Steps to Writing a Functional Cover Letter

If you are applying to many jobs, it’s a good idea to prepare a Functional Cover Letter – one that has a good basic structure that can be tweaked repeatedly for multiple jobs. Because a cover letter is meant to be a marketing tool, it’s a great way to put your best foot forward with key words and accomplishments which can be changed a bit for each specific job application. The functional cover letter has Five basic steps.

The Five Basic Steps of a Functional Cover Letter

The basic structure of a functional cover letter contains the following parts:

  1. Grab the reader’s attention – What can you say that will get the reader to take notice and want to know more?

Perhaps you want to mention something that you read in the news or on the internet about the prospective employer and tie it into your Unique Value Proposition – what you do best which you can bring to the table to show that you are a cut above the rest.

  1. Show that you understand the Need or Problem of the prospective employer.

Do your homework. Find out about the company, its mission and vision, as well as recent projects and possible problems which you can solve.

  1. The Solution – spell out the answer to the prospective employer’s circumstances. After you have shown that you know the challenges they are facing, show them that you have the answers, in addition to relevant knowledge and experience to make it happen.
  1. Paint them a Picture – In a few sentences, help the reader to visualize the benefits that you can bring to the table to solve their problems and/or reach their goals.
  2. A Call for Action – What action do you want the reader to take?

If you want to be called for an interview, ask for it. If you plan to call in a week or so, let them know.

A well-written cover letter highlights your career and/or specific accomplishments relevant to the position. It might also explain gaps in employment or other career changes and decisions. In any case, keep it brief and to the point.

Before sending the letter, make sure that it is formatted correctly and that there are no spelling errors. It’s a good idea to have another pair of eyes look it over – maybe a friend or family member. You can also get help from software such as Grammarly.

If in doubt – Seek Professional Assistance

If you are in doubt of how to proceed, I am happy to help you. You can hire me on Upwork: If you choose this option, I would first interview you and then write a draft after viewing your resume and the job description. I can help you with resumes, LinkedIn Profile Optimization, Interview Preparation, and many other elements of the job search and career strategy.

You can also find me on Transformations 123:

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