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A career change involves transformation

Here's what I can do for you

The butterfly

The butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force...

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The caterpillar

The caterpillar

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. Never give up before the miracle happens… Ask for help if you need...

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Everything you ever dreamed of and more is possible if you are open to exploring the hidden potential within yourself. Don’t let negative...

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Happy Clients About Me


Amy is a knowledgeable and experienced life coach. She helped me set realistic goals for myself and created an action plan for me.


Talking to Amy helped me to understand my options and see what I need to do to get on with it and achieve them.


Amy helped me to prepare for a transition to a new career in a new city. She was very insightful about the things I would face and how to prepare for them.


Amy helped me to see my own potential and to start an online business and more than double my income.


I am really pleased with the service. The cover letter and resume are well-written and the styles match so the documents look paired. Amy also helped me with a custom URL for LinkedIn. I feel that I am putting my best foot forward now! Thanks Amy!

Linda C.

Amy helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses to find the best job for me. I am so much happier now.


Coaching Packages


  • One hour session
  • Ask about packages
  • Sign up for 30 minute FREE CONSULTATION
  • Includes Mock Interview
  • Ask about other packages
  • Get help with salary negotiation and more

Let’s join forces to plan your career strategy!

About Amy


Amy Sinidicic has lived on 4 continents while teaching English as a Second Language, and experiencing various cultures. She is a self-employed teacher of Business and Medical English (see: Prior to that, she worked in the business world and did translations for the French government and World Bank.

She is also a certified Life Coach and Career Coach, and is available to help you to find your Inner Compass and get the most out of life.

Coaching involves transformation – like going to the gym. Consistent effort produces results.

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Offical Blog Updates

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What is the Keto diet and How does it work?
What is the Keto diet and How does it work?

What is the Keto diet and How does it work? I have tried many diets and the keto diet was the easiest for me to follow. It restricts carbohydrates, and

What is CBT and what is it useful for?
What is CBT and what is it useful for?

What is CBT and what is it useful for? CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a popular form of psychotherapy that was developed in the 60s by Dr. Aaron Beck,

What is a Transformational Life Coach?
What is a Transformational Life Coach?

There are different kinds of Life Coaches. Many coaches focus on performance keeping clients accountable for assessing and developing ‘Skills and Capabilities’, and focusing on ‘Behaviors’. They tell people what

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